Tag: respone to text

prodeus Response to text: Navigation


Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. The technique of looking for and locating objects on the shore to navigate is called?


  1. a) Navigation 
  2. b) Dead Reckoning
  3. c) Piloting
  4. d) Lighthouses


2.What is dead reckoning


  1. a) Using objects on the shore to navigate        
  2. b) Recording how far you have travelled in each direction based on a fixed point
  3. c) Using the stars and Sun to decide which way to go
  4. d) Making dead people decide which way to go


  1. Using the Sun, Moon, and stars to navigate is called?


  1. a) Celestial movement b) Global Positioning System
  2. c) Celestial Navigation d) none of the above


  1. Explain, in your own words, how you think GPS (Global Positioning Systems) work.


→by using a satellite 


  1. True or False: Submarines use high frequency radiation to navigate underwater.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. What are the people outside of an aircraft who help navigate planes called?


  1. a) Pilots b) Navigators
  2. c) Air Traffic Controllers d) Playstation Controllers
celestial Using direction from the sky  In some movies they use celestial navigation.
global Worldwide I just went world wide 
compass an instrument containing a magnetised pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. I forgot my compass


  1. Explain: Birds were released by navigators from ships to find land, but how else, do you think, navigators could use wild birds to find land?


→you can just follow them to land 


prodeus Response to text: Living The Dream (NASA)

Living the Dream

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. What does NASA stand for?


  1. a) North American Space Association  
  2. b) National Aeronautical & Space Administration
  3. c) National American Sports Association
  4. d) No Aliens Seen Anywhere


  1. What is Mana Vautier’s job at NASA? 


  1. a) Astronaut Engineer        b) Aeronautics Agent
  2. c) Aeronautic Engineer d) Aeronautics Agent


  1. What caused the space shuttle Columbia to crash in February 2003?


  1. a) was not flown correctly b) damage to right wing
  2. c) damage to left wing d) nobody knows


  1. Describe what the word international means when we talk about the International Space Station:


→national space station


  1. True or False: The International Space Station is 500km above the Earth’s surface.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. How many times does the International Space Station circle the Earth every day?


  1. a) One time b) Four times
  2. c) Twelve times d) Eighteen times


  1. Explain why the International Space Station has to withstand extreme temperature changes?


→so as the space station moves into the earth’s shadow in to the sun heat

  1. What are the 5 steps to becoming a NASA Astronaut?
  1.  To have a degree.Living the Dream

    Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.

    1. What does NASA stand for?
    1. a) North American Space Association  
    2. b) National Aeronautical & Space Administration
    3. c) National American Sports Association
    4. d) No Aliens Seen Anywhere
    1. What is Mana Vautier’s job at NASA? 
    1. a) Astronaut Engineer        b) Aeronautics Agent
    2. c) Aeronautic Engineer d) Aeronautics Agent
    1. What caused the space shuttle Columbia to crash in February 2003?
    1. a) was not flown correctly b) damage to right wing
    2. c) damage to left wing d) nobody knows
    1. Describe what the word international means when we talk about the International Space Station:

    →national space station

    1. True or False: The International Space Station is 500km above the Earth’s surface.
    1. a) True b) False
    1. How many times does the International Space Station circle the Earth every day?
    1. a) One time b) Four times
    2. c) Twelve times d) Eighteen times
    1. Explain why the International Space Station has to withstand extreme temperature changes?

    →so as the space station moves into the earth’s shadow in to the sun heat

    1. What are the 5 steps to becoming a NASA Astronaut?
    1.  To have a degree.
      • If your application is good you go through several rounds of interviews  and medical checks.
      •  Two years of basic astronaut training. 
      • If you pass your training you are an astronaut.
      1.   If you are selected for a mission you will have to go through  the last test. 
      1. What kinds of things do you think humans will do in space in the future?

      find aliens