Month: November 2023

Year 7’s Rainbow end trip

Yesterday on the 21 of november the year 7’s from pt england hop on to two buses and went to. Rainbows end they went to rainbows end as an end of year celebration. As soon as we got to rainbows end  our teachers put us in groups and they let us go off with our helpers to ride. As soon as we left we went straight to the closest ride and it was a race ride.


We went on almost all of the rides except power surge spectra and gold rush. My favourite rides of all were roller coasters, starest fair, fair fall.A nd loge fume my least favourite ride is . Family carts but all the rides are fun and cool.Tim Roxborogh's travel bugs: Why I have a soft spot for Rainbow's End's  treeless landscape - NZ Herald

Fob the builders

This post is about our group called fob the builders and our game snakes and ladders.

How did you think your project went? we think our game went well to make and it was an easy game.

What do you think you can do better? we think what we could have better was style and design the game better.

The enchanted forest

Once upon a time there was a  prince Named Tj he lived in a kingdom called up up,one day Tj had  a funeral for his granddad named Amin

Tj grandad Amin was the king of up up kingdom but sadly passed away from diabetes. After Amin’s. Funeral prince Tj decided to leave the kingdom to explore the world so he packed his bags and set off on a horse  to explore the world. 5 hours after Tj left the kingdom he found his way into the enchanted forest. The enchanted forest is a very Dark ,foggy place with lots of creatures that live in the enchanted forest. In the enchanted forest Tj.Meets a stranger named Alexander. You can’t see this stranger’s face because his face is covered  by a hood . Alexander takes off his hood. His face has fluffy grey black fur for his face hair his teeth are sharper than a knife with eyes so black it’s like pitch black .

Alexander says that he is hiding from the 2 big bad shrek  named Emeline and Tumoe the shreks are so tall they are like a tree they are 8 feet tall and they have green skin and the have very yellow teeth they are trying to catch a feed but lucky Tj. Is a knight that has been in war and is one of the greats knights that has ever been from up up kingdom. Tj has killed lots of enemies and. He has killed a rogue dragon so big it can destroy and city Tj takes Alexander with him on his horse and when they come across the shreks Tumoe and Emeline Tj faces the sherks and fights them but little. Did they know Alexander is one of the greatest warriors in the world? And with the help of Alexander they defeat the sherks and they team. Up to travel the world together so they leave the enchanted forest and set off to explore the world and They become the greatest warriors ever after they become the greats in the. World Tj Gets called to help up up kindom from a war that is about to happen so Tj takes Alexander with him to up up kingdom…… to be continued.Magic Kingdom in the clouds, fantasy, Castle, Kingdom, magic, clouds,  fairy, HD wallpaper | Peakpx

Prodeus Inference – Surprise Birthday Party


Flies hovered around the kitchen, looking for a suitable place to land.

Mrs Stevens carefully opened the hot oven and took out the two dozen small cakes inside. They were to be part of a surprise birthday party for her son, who would be home soon from school. After cooling the cakes by the open window, she began to decorate them with icing, cream and ‘hundreds and thousands’. Then she put them onto a large serving plate and took them to the dining table where she covered them with a brightly embroidered cloth over the cakes.


On the table were six cups and a similar number of knives, forks and serviettes. A birthday card with a picture on the front of a large cake with ten candles burning brightly sat at one end of the jarrah table.


Rain began to drip slowly down the drainpipe outside as Mrs Stevens removed her apron and hurried outside to the utility in the tin shed. Soon she was speeding down the rough and bumpy road to the bus stop. She was just in time to see a happy looking Shane waving goodbye to Mrs Johnson, the bus driver. Two minutes later he was even happier as he was joined by his unexpected guests at the dining table while Mrs Stevens began to make preparations in the kitchen for the evening meal.


  1. The name of the boy celebrating his birthday was?


  1. Why do you think the boy’s mother placed a cloth over the cakes?

To stop the flies from touching the cakes 

  1. This story took place at about (9, 11, 1, 4, 7) o’clock?


  1. How many surprise guests were at the party?


  1. Why did Mrs Stevens open the oven carefully?

Because the oven was hot and she didn’t want all the hot air to go on her

  1. How old was the boy turning on his birthday?


  1. lt was raining heavily on the boy’s birthday True OR False? 


  1. Mrs Stevens was late for the bus True OR False?


  1. Write the words in the story which tell you the answer to question 8.

Mrs stevens was just in time to see a happy shane waving good bye to the bus driver

  1. What did Mrs Stevens use to cool the cakes?

She open a window

  1. Why did she have to cool the cakes?

Because it was to hot to eat

  1. How many seconds did it take to drive home from the bus stop?

120 seconds

Prodeus Old Billy

OLD BILLY – (Answer each question in the space below)

  1. In which country did Billy live australia


  1. What word in the story tells us that Billy lived alone/ an old man named billy lived alone in a dense forest


  1. What was Billy’s cart made from/wood


  1. Tommy did not like to work in his garden. True OR False?true


  1. What word tells us that the path to Tommy’s house was not smooth?

Old brick house 

  1. How did Billy know if Tommy was home?

He would look down the chimney

  1. This story took place about (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) years ago? 60


  1. How many times would Billy go to Piperidge with wood in a month? Once a week


  1. Why couldn’t Billy take his horse and cart to Tommy’s house?  The bridge was to narrow


  1. Which word tells us that Billy lived close to the town of Piperidge’â A

nearby town.